Reclaiming inner peace after a burnout

Interview with Astuti Martosudirdjo by Beth Davies

Uplifting Your Life Interview with Astuti Martosudirdjo by Beth Davies Reclaiming peace within yourself can be an arduous task; one that can take years. With some helpful guidance and advice, it is a sight that suddenly does not seem so…

What makes you different

Where to Invest time and money to reach the next level faster?

The Passion Project with Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan By Andy Mills Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan decided to do things their own way.  had worked in real estate for over a decade, Jan-Marc had spent 10 years in the corporate world, and they…

Building Blocks

The world we live in has become crazy. Some countries are on fire, others on the verge of famine or social disruption or armed conflict. Biodiversity has been severely impacted, the environment is being ransacked, climate change is racing away from us and nobody is reacting anymore.
The world we live in has become crazy. Some countries are on fire, others on the verge of famine or social disruption or armed conflict. Biodiversity has been severely impacted, the environment is being ransacked, climate change is racing away from us and nobody is reacting anymore.

The Road Less travelled

The road to success is less travelled
I almost guarantee that the harder, less travelled road ends up in a far more beautiful place at the end than the one that has all the traffic. Almost ninety nine percent of people give up after even three decades of trying, but they are so close to their success, so I would say don't give up, focus on the important not on the urgent, be persistent and be relentless. Kevin E. France