What makes you different

The Passion Project with Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan

By Andy Mills

By Andy Mills
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Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan decided to do things their own way.  had worked in real estate for over a decade, Jan-Marc had spent 10 years in the corporate world, and they needed a change.

After a move to France, the realisation was made that things had to change. With limited grasp of French,  struggled to find a job in the industry she loves, real estate, and instead became self-employed. That was the beginning of a progression that did not only change their own lives, but it also set them both on a course to change the lives of others.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

We had to move to France for my job and Jennifer struggled to find work. She looked for a way to stay in the industry, so she took her first coach and became a self-employed appraiser. With an aim to help people who owned real estate and were having difficulties. At an event in Munich on 22nd November 2016, we met JT Foxx, who opened our mind to the new idea of entrepreneurship and showed us what was possible. Jennifer was pregnant at the time and our plan was to increase the passive income and create a company out of her self-employment. The journey started there.

We always knew we were different; we were ready to sacrifice something to reach our goals and we showed more passion and engagement than many of our colleagues.We wanted to be financially free, that was the start. But now we can help people along the way. It would have simple to become investors, but we couldn’t have supported so many people. It would have been more about us and not about helping other people to succeed, what we love . The name of our company is Legacy Builders Global because we want people to build a legacy for themselves and future generations. We believe our purpose as parents is to make sure that our son can go much further than we can and reach bigger goals than we can even imagine.

Was there a major event in your life that lead to this decision?

Rich Dad – Poor Dad, we listened to the audio book on the six-hour drive from Mannheim to Grenoble. With that book, we finally understood that we were going the wrong way by chasing the corporate ladder. It was the paragraph, where Robert Kiyosaki talks about how it can’t be a good investment if you lose money on it. Which we did on our first apartment. We thought this was totally okay, as it was what everyone was doing for the retirement.

We realised we had to change; we had made major mistakes. We finally understood that saving money is not the same as investing.

What does your business/organisation do?

By Andy Mills
Partner Offer

LegacyBuilders Global trains new investors, making sure they earn money with their real estate in a secure and profitable way.

We hold investors’ hands, helping them build and increase their portfolio. We show them how to evaluate new markets, how to find underestimated properties, and how to go new ways.

We are the first company that has made it possible for people to invest in North Cyprus without equity, and we are very proud of that.

Where others stop, we push through and fight for our investors. We always find a solution that fits their individual needs.

The BOSStalk helps entrepreneurs, self-employed people, and experts to raise their status. We have seen it with Jennifer. When she was on a TV Show, she had four times the business next year.

People Google you and check you out on social media etc. It influences people subconsciously.

If you are a financial planner offering a similar product to the next planner, TV and magazine exposure helps improve your status, and leads prospective clients to choose you.

Our main message is that you can be financial free, but you must have a plan and put in the work. We also believe in media credibility to differentiate you from your competition

How did you come up with the idea for your business?

JT Foxx has made it possible for us to see the world with different eyes, and has connected us with great people and opportunities.

Cherie Eilertsen, who we met in January 2017, has been one of our major coaches and helped us to shape LegacyBuilders Global. We spent a full day with her seven weeks before our son was born, and we founded the company and had our opening event five weeks later.

LegacyBuilders Global was founded to fix the fact that nobody is educated in school about investment. We give people the chance to play on the same playing field as the Top 1%..

The BOSStalk was born out of our need. We wanted to get on a TV show, and we found a way for other investors, entrepreneurs, speakers and self-employed people to do the same, and stand out from the pack.

What problems do you hope to solve?

We never hope to solve issues; we know we can solve them.

LegacyBuilders is solving the issue of investors not getting started because they are scared, or they don’t know how. We make the impossible – possible!

People don’t always understand that you have to find your own way. People don’t believe that they can invest without equity, especially in the German Market.

We show them the proof that it is possible and that they can do it too. In Real estate you are looking for the right people, right deals or money. We help people to create over €50,000 in equity on one deal for example, or to save over €40,000 with the right financing.

We are also the fast track to understanding how new markets like North Cyprus work, and the opportunities they offer.

The BOSStalk provides people with the unique opportunity to be on TV, Radio and in a magazine at the same time. It is the complete one stop solution for your media credibility needs.

It is the combination of networking, coaching, and more what accelerate your success by using Media PR in the right way.

What is the best thing about your job?

The best thing really is when you see the light bulb going on after people spend two days with you. When they say, finally, I understand how this works, and I can do it.

When you realise you are changing peoples’ lives, it is a really great feeling. Their life becomes better because of you.

We really love real estate and Jennifer could not imagine doing something different. Jennifer loves to find creative solutions to reach the investors’ goal. We are proud to be the first company that makes this possible for their investors.

We love the traveling and working in the nicest places around the world. The freedom to choose when and where to work, enjoy the sun and work at night, Your decision, your life. One of the greatest things about passive income is that you don’t have to work to cover your costs.

For us it is about the freedom, not about the money. The money is the tool to get to this freedom.

And the most challenging?

Finding the right team and partners and dealing with negative people and their mindset.

It is difficult to find people that want to change something, have a passion, a burning desire, who treat it not as a job, but a passion, in administration as well as sales.

People often tell you what you can’t do, but not what you can. If you tell some in Germany that you can invest without equity, they tell you that it must be a scam. If you ask them if they have done it, they know someone who has done it or if they ever tried it the answer is no. But it must be a scam.

If you tell them you can do it in North Cyprus, it must be for sure a scam… because who can do that?

Mindset is the most important thing. Opening peoples mind to new ideas is hard work but very rewarding, too. Business would be easy if there were not people involved!

Sometimes it is tough. Not many people understand what you are going through. Travel can be exhausting, and you might need to spend time away from your loved ones. It can mean late nights, early mornings, and limited sleep.

 says “Entrepreneurship is like a decathlon. You have to be balanced and be good in many things to dominate.”

What has been your most satisfying moment in business so far?

It was the minute we could make the decision to move to another country, whenever and wherever we like.

The moment you see it works is satisfying, that money is really created out of ideas. To know that you can come up with the idea, implement it and people will follow your advice and suggestions. To see them succeed is a great feeling.

What is the best piece of advice you can give someone starting their own business?

Prepare for a marathon. Get a coach and do what they tell you. Find a coach who isn’t from your own country or act globally, it opens your mind.

Start with the mindset, become an expert, create marketing. Get into media, share your values and your ideas.

Get credibility right away. Invest time and money to reach the next level faster, surround yourself with like-minded people. Most entrepreneurs underestimate the value of this and lose time and a lot of money.
Say yes to all opportunities, especially in the beginning. Have stamina and endurance. Results might come quick but may not. It’s not a straight line. Be mentally prepared for that rollercoaster

How do you define success?

Freedom is how we define it for ourselves. And seeing other people doing what you tell them and see them succeed.

About Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan

By Andy Mills
Meet Jennifer and Jan Marc at their next event : How to invest in Real Estate in a secure & profitable way!
Sat, Sep 28, 2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM CEST

Jennifer and Jan-Marc run LegacyBuilders Global and The BOSStalk together. They currently live in Germany, while touring the world with their businesses.

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