Sovereign is the Global Magazine for Executives and Leading Entrepreneurs.
Founded in 2017, Sovereign Magazine is a premier publication dedicated to connecting today’s leading executives and entrepreneurs with the ideas and innovations shaping the business landscape. Our mission is to highlight the stories of the world’s most successful CEOs and thought leaders, providing readers with in-depth insights and actionable strategies for success.

Editorial Guidelines
We aim to provide an accurate and unbiased view throughout our content. We do not support or allow unsubstantiated claims, false information or slander against individuals or organisations.
We also do not permit any content which falls under:
- Hate Speech: Including direct attack against people on the basis of what we call protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease.
- Inappropriate or Adult Content: Including pornography, sexual solicitation, violent or graphic content.
Corrections and broken links
Despite striving for accurate and current information, occasionally outdated content or broken links may appear. If encountered, email [email protected] with the problematic article URL and text/link. We aim to address and respond to all concerns within 48 hours.