March 2019

Danielle Ebongue Akwa

What ever you do, do it with patience, faith , passion & love!

What ever you do, do it with patience, faith , passion & love! — My Motto About me I’m Danielle Ebongue Akwa. Originally from Cameroon, I descend from royal ancestors and pay tribute to my lineage through my designs and…

Full Potential Intelligence

There are people who read books about war, people who wrote books about war and there are people who survived war. After losing everyone and everything, survivors of conflict face an alien-like reality, their only option is to rebuild their life from the ground up. Each must find new ways of living with their memories and at the same time, create a new path into their own present.

There are people who read books about war, people who wrote books about war and there are people who survived war. After losing everyone and everything, survivors of conflict face an alien-like reality, their only option is to rebuild their…

Post truth and beyond!

You can prove anything with facts, so let’s invent some new ones.  

Hitler was a socialist and the Earth is flat.  The moon landing was faked.  2+2=6. You can prove anything with facts, so let’s invent some new ones.   We now live in a post truth, alt-fact, fake news environment, where nothing…

The Heart of Business

In this article the heart of business is explored from the perspective of corporate and social responsibility. If you were to accept the premise that business has a heart, then what you would also appreciate is that the heart is a very important organ and no system can survive without a well-functioning heart.

In this article the heart of business is explored from the perspective of corporate and social responsibility. If you were to accept the premise that business has a heart, then what you would also appreciate is that the heart is…


Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment 100 years ago, Nancy Astor, the first woman who took her seat in the UK Parliament, opened the door for women to enter the political scene. Since, there is much for women to celebrate. On behalf of Women…