This first Special Edition of Sovereign Magazine for Switzerland brings a collection of leadership stories that share, in one way or another, the magic of self-identity and status-quo. Are you in alignment with your life purpose? Are your actions, beliefs and values enough to define you? Are emotions left outside of your work and business relationships? What do you see when you look into the mirror, what is your perception of who you are, what do you know about who you are?

This first Special Edition of Sovereign Magazine for Switzerland brings a collection of leadership stories that share, in one way or another, the magic of self-identity and status-quo. Are you in alignment with your life purpose? Are your actions, beliefs and values enough to define you? Are emotions left outside of your work and business relationships? What do you see when you look into the mirror, what is your perception of who you are, what do you know about who you are?

Charismatic leaders, Ed and Melanie McGaugh, founders of Expat-Expo , are the trailblazers of Expat prosperity. Their story is about two entrepreneurs who turned their love for wine into a thriving business community to support people from all walks of life in their quest to restore the knowledge of their self-worth, to strengthen their relationship with prosperity( page 10).

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Money has evolved overtime from a barter system to sovereigns, from paper money to credit cards but at every stage  of the evolution of trade, trust and recognition is the master key to create new opportunities for a growing community of business owners, and this is what Ed and Melanie are offering today.

This first Special Edition of Sovereign Magazine for Switzerland brings a collection of leadership stories that share, in one way or another, the magic of self-identity and status-quo. Are you in alignment with your life purpose? Are your actions, beliefs and values enough to define you? Are emotions left outside of your work and business relationships? What do you see when you look into the mirror, what is your perception of who you are, what do you know about who you are?
Ed McGaugh , Founder of Expat Expo with Darie Nani, MTN Press in Zug, Switzerland

Back in 2006, Ed and Melanie McGaugh held the first Expat-Expo in a humble community hall in Zürich, little did they know it would become  one of the most popular and anticipated events in the International community in Switzerland.

While immigrating to a new country is always a daunting process for anyone, the Expat-Expo is designed to welcome the English speaking community with open arms as they settle in Switzerland. Now celebrating its 14th Anniversary, Expat-Expo has grown into hundreds of different companies exhibiting at 4 yearly events, attracting thousands of visitors.

We also invited executives and leading entrepreneurs from across Europe to contribute to the launch of the very first Swiss Edition of Sovereign Magazine, to share their own story and offer their wellbeing solutions to a range of matters that shape our daily life. From inner peace, burnout, mental health and politics to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

What are the main factors that impact our lives?

Our international contributors together with leading female visionaries, women in politics and entrepreneurs from around the world, who successfully share their holistic solutions and are responsible for their own vitality and harmony, bring along a rare algorithm for self-leadership.

For Silvija Popovic, the need to examine how she feels about who she is and how she wishes to be regarded as is clear to see in her story. A woman who survived the Croatian civil war and has lived in Germany for many years, she reconsider aspects of her own identity as well as the nature of mentoring in business (“Full Potential Intelligence”, page 16).

This first Special Edition of Sovereign Magazine for Switzerland brings a collection of leadership stories that share, in one way or another, the magic of self-identity and status-quo. Are you in alignment with your life purpose? Are your actions, beliefs and values enough to define you? Are emotions left outside of your work and business relationships? What do you see when you look into the mirror, what is your perception of who you are, what do you know about who you are?
Elaine Pringle Schwitter at Expat Expo in Zug, Switzerland
This first Special Edition of Sovereign Magazine for Switzerland brings a collection of leadership stories that share, in one way or another, the magic of self-identity and status-quo. Are you in alignment with your life purpose? Are your actions, beliefs and values enough to define you? Are emotions left outside of your work and business relationships? What do you see when you look into the mirror, what is your perception of who you are, what do you know about who you are?
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Finally, the Expat-Expo special edition is a celebration of women and men of many talents and all ages. While some industries are still considered to be for men, women excel in art and photography, helping us all start looking at the world through a different kind of lens. On page 20, Elaine shares with us how wearing the wrong size glasses lead her to replace them altogether, with camera lens.

I really hope that this edition can help you ditch the wrong size glasses and see yourself with a new set of lens. Look how fabulous you are!

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