The Heart of Business

In this article the heart of business is explored from the perspective of corporate and social responsibility. If you were to accept the premise that business has a heart, then what you would also appreciate is that the heart is…
What leadership isn’t

“Leadership is creating the space to bring forth the greatness in others, for others to be their best. It is tapping into unlimited human potential and turning the potential of others into desired results. Leadership creates a culture that enables people to release their creativity, vision and intelligence” Dr Neslyn Watson-Druée
Certified High Performance Coach, Beacon Organisational Development
Financial Freedom – From Myth To Reality

The more you give, the more you get, and if you give from the heart without expecting anything in return, your life will be filled will abundance- Darren Winters
THE PRICE OF SUCCESS by Dr Neslyn Watson Druee
Success is about persistence, persistence through criticism, failure, rejection and pressure. Persistence with: choice, aspiration, being open to possibilities and developing resilience.
Best Beginnings

Currently Lead Professional Officer, Strategy, Policy and Equality for Unite the Union in the health sector which incorporates all professional groups including the Community Practitioners’ and health Visitors’ Association. She trained as a nurse, midwife, health visitor and nurse practitioner.…
Born to win
Tricia Trotman-Maraj PMP, MSc.(U.W.I.), B.A. (Hons) U.W.I. Tricia Trotman-Maraj is an International Speaker, Management Consultant and advocate Raising Awareness of Violence Against Women and Children – A Global Crisis. She is also founder and director of Born to Win Global.…
When you listen with your heart

Anndeloris Chacon is a visionary leader whose passion and purpose are to help others. Her commitment started in primary school with her being a member of the Junior Red Cross which led to her thirty-eight years in her nursing career.…
What Successful Leaders Know
“To become a leader, then, you must become yourself; become the maker of your own life.”Warren Bennis Leaders have deep knowledge of who they are and what they believe. Knowing your personality, values, strengths, motives and desires allows you to…