Financial Freedom – From Myth To Reality
The more you give, the more you get, and if you give from the heart without expecting anything in return, your life will be filled will abundance- Darren Winters

“The more you give, the more you get, and if you give from the heart without expecting anything in return, your life will be filled will abundance”
by Dr Neslyn Watson-Druée, CBE FCGI FRCN
Have you ever wondered if financial freedom could become a reality when you are in a challenging financial situation? Stay with this review.
Did you know that there are caring financial entrepreneurs who are willing to teach you, mentor you, coach you and take you by the hand to ensure that you succeed? Yes they do exist.
You may also be wondering are there people out there who are not just focused on themselves and taking all that they can get? I am writing this to tell you that even though there are many sharks in the water, there are people committed to being honest and doing their best to enable you to thrive.
Financial freedom – from myth to reality: Do allow me introduce you to Darren Winters.
Darren The Philanthropist
‘The more you give, the more you get, and if you give from the heart without expecting anything in return, your life will be filled will abundance’- Darren Winters
Darren expresses extreme gratitude for his wealth and success, and he explains that he has always looked for ways to use his skills, money and resources to help others. Over the years he has developed and contributed to different charity projects, from being a sponsor of the children’s discover camps, to giving money and advice to some of the poorest people in Africa to help them start their own business. One of Darren Winters investment training courses, the Children’s Wealth Day – for children 10 to 16 years of age, is a huge success, where Darren provides free wealth and investment training. Darren – a proud father realises how important it is to make sure children get a proper wealth education – especially as this topic is not covered properly or at all in many schools.
Darren’s Charity Projects
In addition, Darren has also raised money for the SOS Children’s Villages charity through his Live Trading Charity Day, where 100% of the money from ticket sales to attend the event was given to the charity.
On the Live Trading Charity Days, Darren teaches wealth skills and investment strategies in a way that is fun and easy for children to understand. These are simple but powerful strategies to help them build their future wealth, and give them the financial freedom to choose how they want their lives to be. During the training course the children take part in a live trading competition, where, using demo accounts, they apply everything that they have learnt. Entry to the competition is free and included as part of the course, with all the prizes paid for by Darren.
“I teach this course for free because I want to make sure that this knowledge is available to children whatever their background or their family’s current financial situation. If I can help the next generation to become wealthy and inspire them to use some of that wealth to help others then I feel this training can really make a positive difference.”
Darren Winters of WIN Investing and The Wealth Trading Company, born to parents who were both teachers, Darren is one of four children.
Darren is a self-made multi-millionaire and successful entrepreneur. After learning 1 to 1 from the World’s top traders and investors, Darren took himself from a normal job and a mountain of debt to become a multi-millionaire in just a few short years. Darren Winters learnt 1 to 1 from Larry Williams (World Trading Champion), Lewis Borsellino, John Bollinger plus many other top investors. As well as attending training seminars, Darren has read over a hundred financial books published around the world then he applied his in-depth knowledge, experience and trading tips from the top traders in the industry today to create his wealth.
Darren in narration of his inspirational life story he shares how he has spent a lot of his own time and money to be mentored by the best share trading experts in the world in order to become highly skilled in this field. Darren commented that he started his company in the year 2000 by accident. He was teaching his friends 1 to 1 about investing, then his business grew into a training company which got bigger and bigger by word of mouth and in 2002 he found himself speaking to 1500 people on a 2 day training course.
Today, Darren is excited and committed to teaching children and adults how to become financially free. Now 2018, through Win Investing LLP and The Wealth Training Company LLP Darren has now taught nearly 500,000 how to gain financial freedom. The Wealth Training Company is run by Darren Winters who advocates share trading as a means of achieving multiple streams of passive income, to supplement other means of income that you already have.
Darren’s Training
Did you know that only about one in every hundred people is currently financially free?
That means there is much to be done in this area. Darren has now taught thousands of people on how anyone can use his proven, yet surprising simple investment strategies to become financially independent, whatever their current situation, by trading for just a couple of hours per week.
“Would you drive a car without being taught how to drive a car? So it is with trading, learn the basics, lean the principles, know how to apply your breaks and you will get to your financial goal with ease.”
Do I hear you say, I have heard that before, yes you may have and Darren is the difference that makes the difference, if you get what I mean? I have heard the live testimonial attributed to Darren; I have experienced his introductory basic teaching and followed up with his two day wealth training programme, as I said before I was captivated and blown away.
My experience and observation is, Darren is both meticulous and outstanding with his explanations and he knows how to present his teaching so that you could not possibly misunderstand; that is why he is so successful with teaching children through his charity work.
He has also taught his investing strategies to staff at some of the UK’s top financial companies. Darren’s Training Philosophy is clear. He keeps his training jargon free and his explanations simple – his company’s teaching style is easy to understand and approachable with the aim of enabling you, the learner, to understand the method and how to put it into practice.
In Darren’s training, beginners and experienced investors learn the same proven yet surprisingly simple strategies top investors use to successfully make money from trading. Darren first teaches the investment techniques and then shows how to use them for real in the live markets. Darren says:
“I use what I teach and I like to walk my talk and show people live, for real, how to make money using these strategies. Some people who haven’t yet learnt these techniques are still sceptical until they see them used live to make money.”
Darren guides you at every learning stage so that you put into practice what you have learnt and succeed.
Darren Winters key learning points are:
Let your profits run and cut your losses short.
Master the rules and check that you follow them.
Make sure you get your wealth mind set correct.
Aim for consistency so that you benefit from the huge power of compound returns.
Darren’s Training Programmes:
Three day Stock Market and Forex Master Class
Business and Investment Mastery
One-to-one Mentoring
Darren’s training is backed up by on going seminars, webinars and guided live trading days
What People Say About Darren Winter’s Programmes:
Using what I learnt on the course I turned £1,000 into £3,000 within 12 months” Mr A Gudka – Darren Winters Reviews
In one of Darren’s Video testimonials a student of Darren shared that he started with £5,000.00 (five thousand pounds) and within a year applying Darren’s consistency strategy, he made £500,000, bought a house in Southern France – cash. Additional video testimonial highlighted another course graduate applying the strategy of consistency to achieve 30,000 euros profit in four months and another course graduate 5,000 euros profit in one week.
“Since attending your course, I’ve tidied my portfolio. I have turned £11,000 into just over £36,000 in just over a year. Some trades produced 30% to 180% in a few months. On some other trades, I made £100 plus in just a few hours… I’m glad that I attended the course as now I know there is another correct way of making money.” Mr W Hau – Darren Winters Reviews
“I started with £3000. By the end of the month I turned this into just over £3620, a gain of over 20%.” Mr S McKinley – Darren Winters Reviews
I manage both mine and my wife’s Stocks and Shares ISA. Since doing Darren Winters course I’ve achieved my target of 20% profit per year for 3 years” Mr J Sandell – Darren Winters Reviews
“ I teach this course for free because I want to make sure that this knowledge is available to children whatever their background or their family’s current financial situation. If I can help the next generation to become wealthy and inspire them to use some of that wealth to help others then I feel this training can really make a positive difference.”
“I was stuttering along buying shares through a well known tip sheet. But since the course I have built up £5,000 to over £15,000.” Mr R Dewar – Darren Winters Reviews
Darren Winters course has truly changed my financial destiny and that of my family. This month I have made £48,000 from trading” Mr S Ball, Gloucestershire – Darren Winters Reviews
My friend gave me a very good review of Darren Winters course. After attending then putting into practice what I had been taught I now regularly producing returns of more than 15% per month” Mr Shaw – Darren Winters Reviews
I started investing £1,000 and within 10 months I have made £1,500 profit.” Ms Idit Gold – Darren Winters Reviews
International Speaker
Reviewing Darren’s speaker biography you come to see that he has spoken at most of the major trading and investing conferences,including The London Investment Week, The Master Investor Conference, The World Money Show, The London Investor, Forex Show, and the UK Investor Show.
“To have freedom including financial freedom.
The very best things in life for his family.
To build on the encouragement he had from his parents to implement his ideas.
To be able to give something back, especially to children.
To teach as many children as possible how to be financially free, to teach children how to be wealthy and also make a contribution to society.
To experience the excitement of seeing people who were struggling financially turning their circumstances and situations around to gain financial freedom.
To leave a legacy of positive contribution to human kind.”
Darren has become a highly successful top speaker, due to the way that he is able to explain powerful trading and investing strategies, so that even complete beginners can understand. He has given talks around the World to audiences of up to 3,000 people. Darren was a main stage speaker at the World Money show, the London Master Investor show, the UK investor show, and the London Investor Forex show. Darren has also spoken at Business and Entrepreneur events in the UK and around the World including the Masters Of Wealth event in Norway, where he shared the stage with Robert Kiyosaki (author of the book: rich dad poor dad), the National Achievers Congress in Dublin, where he was main stage speaker along with Tom Hopkins and Denis Waitley and the Business Revolution event in London, sharing the stage with Jay Abraham (The World’s number 1 Business strategist). He has also spoken on investing topics on most of the main UK radio stations and appeared on TV, including an interview about investing.
The Entrepreneur
Among Darren’s many businesses, The Wealth Training Company is the number 1 investment training company in the UK and Europe. This business provides training courses in Stock Market and Forex investing. Darren’s three day Forex and Stock Market Master Class has won Business Britain’s ‘Best investment training course’ for 3 consecutive years and also won the London Investor Show award for Best Financial Training Provider. Darren’s courses have generated 1000’s of success stories in which happy clients share how they have been able to use Darren’s strategies to build their wealth and grow their income. As well as some becoming master traders, Darren is also a very successful UK and International property investor with investments in both residential and commercial property.
Darren believes that:
· He has learnt a lot from sports and the discipline of sports; one of the UK’s best swimming instructor taught Darren.
· To develop his resilience he has chosen to do the things that scared him most, that is how he has graduated from being a shy young man to being on the world’s stage of professional public speaking
· It is important to be healthy and to that end he believes in the benefits of fasting, exercising and eating healthy nutritious foods.
· If you are grateful for what you already have, more will come to you.
· Top business people and all top athletes in the world have coaches because it is the way to get good at something.
· To become wealthy you have got to make sure that you are using the power of compound returns, that is using your money and your profits to make even more profits by reinvesting your profits and the key to this is to get consistency, the secret to huge wealth is to get consistency, to get monthly consistent profits, because then you start to get compound returns and once you get compound returns your money starts to grow. It starts off gradually at first but then it grows massively and very fast. By doing this, you can start with relatively small amount of money and you can build that sum of money into a huge amount of money fairly fast once you get that consistency.
You need to have a mentor because that is the way that you are able to get good at what you are attempting to achieve and open your mind and expand your ideas. Any successful person with whom you speak will have a mentor or a coach because that is how you get good fast. It is fantastic to make a lot of money fast but it feels even better to be able to use some of that to help other people. I wanted to further understand Darren’s infectious enthusiasm, so I searched under the skin to find out: what is it that drives Darren to be the person that he is?
Darren wanted:
The legacy that Darren is leaving is even more underpinned by his philanthropic work. I found it refreshing and a real joy to experience being with someone who is committed by his actions to inspire a new generation.
I attended this course over a year ago. I started with £2,000 and now have well over £10,000 of profit. Thank you Darren.” Dr A Elghamaz – Darren Winters Reviews
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