Tag wellbeing

Deliciously Sustainable Lifestyle Changes: Stress or digest?

Right now you’re still feeling stressed because you’re simply stuck in your own head. You’re still looping your worries and concerns, not being able to detach. Fact is, these worries are not tangible. They are not real. They are all in your head! Grounding is an exercise that gets you out of your head, back in the moment.
Right now you’re still feeling stressed because you’re simply stuck in your own head. You’re still looping your worries and concerns, not being able to detach. Fact is, these worries are not tangible. They are not real. They are all in your head! Grounding is an exercise that gets you out of your head, back in the moment.

Reclaiming inner peace after a burnout

Interview with Astuti Martosudirdjo by Beth Davies

Uplifting Your Life Interview with Astuti Martosudirdjo by Beth Davies Reclaiming peace within yourself can be an arduous task; one that can take years. With some helpful guidance and advice, it is a sight that suddenly does not seem so…

Play to Win!

How business games and team work help you build a cohesive team.
The most effective teams in the world, don’t just ‘happen’. They are build by good leaders understanding that a cohesive team is worth so much more than the sum of its parts. Official reports bring a new light on psychology and neuroscience, and have at their centre the importance of Mental health and Wellbeing, and how colleagues’ emotional status determine the performance of a business.

Time to Change The Inner Narrative

Is being a superwoman and trying to do it all good for anyone?
Mothers often take on much more than is healthy for them. We try to be all things to all people and end up overwhelmed and exhausted. Mothers often take on much more than is healthy for them. We try to be all things to all people and end up overwhelmed and exhausted. When we remember that our needs are important, and start putting ourselves first, we begin to feel better and calmer.