Elaine has worked for 25 years as a change-maker and understands the challenges of taking action as a global citizen, growing sustainable solutions from within communities, rather than ‘doing it’ to them. She brings expertise and perspectives from across sectors, with tools and strategies that enable every individual to become an adventurer who dares to dream and has the courage to turn their ideas into reality. She works to create a circle of impact, empowering others so that they share and transfer those skills around the globe wherever they are, so that lasting change happens organically from the inside out. Visit www.flowinaction.org for more information
What does the future of Climate Action look like post Lockdown?
What does the future of Climate Action look like now? It’s a deliberate question. We are, after all, our future selves: what gets seeded now unfolds in the future. To change it, we have to imagine it differently, in order to…
No more business as usual, what does that mean for business owners?
For many, particularly micro businesses and start-up entrepreneurs, in the first instance, it means the wheels have come off. In the second, that requires us to repurpose, reorganise and respond differently. The resilience of the entrepreneur mindset kicks in, one…
Learn To Move Mountains: How you can learn to move mountains too
Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done!”, so how do you learn to move mountains? Bright ideas to take action in our communities and for the planet don’t just pop-up already formed. Innovation starts in the soupy…
Learn to Move Mountains: Design Thinking is an Essential Skill
Sustainability is of the utmost importance, and young people are gaining an understanding of that. Elaine France introduces us all to design thinking, and how it could change the world.