To be or not to be the leader of a socially conscious industry? This question fails to give straight answers but opens up a debate about to be or not to be a purposeful leader. We want to share a new light over the controversy of self-leadership- what is it and what could change in our society, in our community, in our education system.

Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation. Simon Sinek

To be or not to be the leader of a socially conscious industry? This question fails to give straight answers but opens up a debate about to be or not to be a purposeful leader. We want to share a new light over the controversy of self-leadership- what is it and what could change in our society, in our community, in our education system.

We are celebrating our first year since Sovereign Magazine invited leaders across industries to share their story.

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Through a series of coincidence and happenings, we published exclusive interviews with Michael Caine, Ken Benchard, Justina Mutale, Darren Winters, Actar Dinata, Bonnie Butlin, Princess Aiesha. Throughout the first year, we invited celebrities from different industries who earned international praise as purposeful leaders of substance and compassion: Dr Wendy Sneddon ( UK), Dr Neslyn Watson Druee, Dr Dalal Akoury (US), Donia Youssef (UK), Lana Kappelas, Ysanne Lewis, Samiksha Bajaj ( India) Arthur Woods ( US) and hundreds of Solutionaries who are ready to share their unique solution with you.

We tried to keep up with their busy schedule and finally we had a glimpse at their evolving story. Determined to find solutions for humanitarian crisis, our Sovereigns are women and men on a mission to educate and inspire young people, people who make a significant difference and dare to share their own light. After decades of humbly serving their local community and helping people from all walks of life, they earned the reputation of true philanthropists at heart, while running a successful carrier in the media, healthcare, finance, innovations, film and creativity. ‘ You could never retire from helping people who need your help’ Actar says.

As leading educators and humanitarians, as a dedicated parents, friends and kind human beings, our Sovereigns are people on a mission to harness sheer talent, who dare to think for themselves to make a significant difference, people who dare to dream big, just like you and me. Their generous definition of Prosperity sounds familiar but they always talk to themselves, when nobody is listening: ’Give more than you take’

Our Sovereigns are inspiring  many generations of leaders, both at home and abroad. We are waiting with bated breath to seeing how they adapt their unique masterpiece vision to the benefit of a young generation of creatives.

Our Sovereigns’ stories expand your perspective about compassion and peace, about self leadership and courage. A Sovereigns’ commitment to overcome adversity brings the confidence we need to champion others, to cherish new ways of thinking, new solutions.

I am grateful for reading the stories we shared with you in the last year and invite you on an adventure for years to come, starting with our celebratory Edition of Sovereign Magazine, in 12 countries, and I hope that each edition helps you DARE to become the Sovereign of your life, put your name on your unique solution to Prosperity!

If you ask me’ Was Sovereign Magazine’s first year, easy?’ I could say: ‘Absolutely not! But it was worth it!’ My passion is to Broadcast your Passion!


Few decades ago, my Latin teacher told me: PER ASPERA AD ASTRA! (‘through hardship to the stars’) and I will never cease to reach out to the Stars each one of our Stardust story holds inside!

To be or not to be the leader of a socially conscious industry? This question fails to give straight answers but opens up a debate about to be or not to be a purposeful leader. We want to share a new light over the controversy of self-leadership- what is it and what could change in our society, in our community, in our education system.
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