Category CEO Profiles
The frequency of success – All that glitters: How Shaun Leane built one of the world’s pre-eminent jewellery houses
Shaun Leane: My definition of success is being able to look back at early works, even going back as far as 30 years and still feeling inspired, provoked and excited knowing that the energy I put into my early works is still a force I understand today. This consistency and deep understanding of myself portrayed in my work is the definition of success to me. This means to me that I am truly grateful that my craft has been the vehicle for me to express my thoughts, emotions and inner-self.
For The Love of Sport
Tired of the same old networking events? Find out why the Sporting Club might be the home you've been looking for.
What makes you different
The Passion Project with Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan By Andy Mills Jennifer and Jan-Marc Pickhan decided to do things their own way. had worked in real estate for over a decade, Jan-Marc had spent 10 years in the corporate world, and they…
The Road Less travelled
I almost guarantee that the harder, less travelled road ends up in a far more beautiful place at the
end than the one that has all the traffic. Almost ninety nine percent of people give up after even
three decades of trying, but they are so close to their success, so I would say don't give up, focus on
the important not on the urgent, be persistent and be relentless.
Kevin E. France
Getting Younger with Eula Clarke
Retirement was only the beginning for Eula Clarke. Eula is getting younger every day, and she is helping other women do the same.
From Pain to Paint
Victoria Sparkes is sharing her remarkable story with a selfless desire to inspire us to be creative and adventurous with our own colours, to help us bridge the distance between pain and paint, just as she did.
Lighting The Way For Those Who Can’t See
Feeling too much and loving too much can be such a heavy weight, when you see all of the darkness around you. That’s why you need to shine brighter, to light the way for everyone who can’t see!
Taiwanese Tycoon Terry Gou inspired by the Divine Feminine, Mazu, Goddess of Sea
The Goddess of sea is mostly remembered as the princess of greater good, the Divine Feminine, and we could picture her in our imagination to be dressed in red, sitting still and calming the waters and the wind, showing her…
Make in India- Promise and Potential
Promise and Potential: Shivani Lorai is a Business Consultant with specialist exposure to Business Development and Market Entry Strategies for retail brands.
Why Giving Makes You Abundant
The challenges of being a female breadwinner are many: dealing with societies assumptions around gender roles, such as a woman’s place being in the home, or thinking that women only work to top up the household income, rather than be the breadwinner, or that women who focus on their career are selfish. Jenny Garrett