Dare to dream, dare to be different!

‘Life is short and so often we say we will do it tomorrow. What if there is no tomorrow?’ Sonal Dave
Compassionate by nature, Sonal Dave is very supportive of everybody she meets and not afraid to step into the unknown. She is surrounded by empowering people who have motivated her throughout life and continue to do so. She is not afraid to remove negativity from her world, however close or important it may seem.
As a young child Sonal never really had any major ambitions. The family were refugees from Uganda and came to the UK with nothing. Her father worked 7 days a week and her mother made sure that the house was a home. Sonal was in and out of hospital and when asked she said “life was tough”.
From her teenage years it was clear that Sonal would be breaking down barriers and opening doors that women of ethnic minorities, would not consider possible. Sonal saw every challenge as an opportunity.
Sonal joined Shishukunj (a children’s charity dedicated to the welfare of children worldwide), in 1978 as a child member and has since sat on the Executive Committee. (www.shishukunj.org.uk ). She received an award from Barnet Council for her voluntary services.
At secondary school, through Sonal’s music teacher Mrs Menary, and after successful auditions, Sonal had the opportunity to be a child performer with the English National Opera and Sadlers Wells. It was from this point on, Sonal realised that she is ready to fulfill her wildest dream!
Find our more in the upcoming edition of Sovereign and in the meantime, and join us at Sovereign Magazine, to wish her a heartfelt: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONAL!