Are leaders made or born?
Confidence and Mental Fortitude
You must appreciate yourself in order to become confident. Mental Fortitude is the twin brother of Confidence. Remind yourself the abilities and talents you have already and play to your strengths. Fear is the number one enemy of Mental Fortitude, it breaks down the building blocks of self-confidence.

Who is Dr Wendy Sneddon?
I am a firm but a fair leader with the tenacity and determination to get through anything. I have a strong work ethic and I am passionate about enjoying what I do. With over 25 years of experience in businesses, I have a great understanding of how businesses should run, and what it takes to build an engaged motivated team. I have experience in HR, Recruitment, Financial Management, and Training. My expertise lies in people management, from recruitment to exit. I will assess your business and where you are then together we can make a plan to get you where you want to be with your business.
You have been recentelly celebrated as one of the top 10 HR Advisers in the UK, a serial Award Winning Author, Founder of The Lodestone Lounge, Creator of GEMS and Founder of Scotish Business Expo. What is your greatest Passion?
My greatest passion is to see an end to abuse of animals and humans. I want to see us all adopt a Zero tolerance approach, we should be educating pre-school children before they reach 7 (the end of the “imprint” period where kids beliefs are founded and behaviours developed) about empathy and not to tolerate any form of violence to themselves or their pets or others in the household, if they witness and it, they should tell someone!
Currently, through The Links Group, we are highlighting the link “Where animals are abused humans are at Risk, where humans are abused animals are at risk” (from the American Humane Society). We are seeing more and more cases where animal abuse has been identified and resulted in the prosecution for human abuse also. Recognising the animal abuse helped the human victims. We are raising funds to be able to care for pets fleeing violent households, we are looking for more people to provide long-term foster care, and financial support to cover the living costs and veterinary care. We are educating vets to recognise signs in humans and we are educating healthcare professionals to recognise abuse and neglect of pets in the homes they visit. Everyone has a responsibility to do something to stop this – you can now report suspicions to crime stoppers and they will investigate without anyone knowing where the info came from.
What are your three top tips for building self-confidence?
Everything, every endeavour, every decision, every action, always boil down to one factor: confidence. This is mostly what an executive coach’s problem to solve, the waning confidence of his / her client. Success always follows the trail of the confident. Confidence is an active mind-set, it is energy-charged, it is alert. Confidence can change the course of communication.
Confidence and Mental Fortitude
You must appreciate yourself in order to become confident. Mental Fortitude is the twin brother of Confidence. Remind yourself the abilities and talents you have already and play to your strengths. Fear is the number one enemy of Mental Fortitude, it breaks down the building blocks of self-confidence.
Keeping fear and anxiety in check is the first thing an executive needs to focus on, and while this is hard work, a lot of hard work, this is a skill that is worth mastering.
The Act of Confidence
What is inside is useless if it does not translate into actual actions. Recognizing that what kind of person is inside does not matter to other people, will only help that person. There is no single talent in the world that does not require an actual performance. One way or another, if you are a confident person you have to show it. Then show it some more.
The appearance of a Confident Person
Well, this is not physical appearance per se. This is never about aesthetics. Though it does help a lot to have a visually pleasing appearance, however, a confident person can wear cheap suit and sell you your own property back to you.
That is pure exaggeration but you know the drill, a confident person does not stutter, nor jumble his / her words. You speak loud, clear, coherent, direct. Flowery words are left to amateurs. A confident person only needs little time to tell everything. Anything else is just posturing, a clear sign of shallowness and lack of depth. Walk tall, stand straight, head high, always and every time.
What are the challenges of developing a leader?
Developing leaders need good coaches for them to push the envelope and be the leader that ought to be. There are certain limitations for every people, even for those people who are meant to be great. A little bit of external force is more than needed to sway them into the right direction. While there are challenges, there are solutions in addressing them.
Leadership Development
Does not matter, whenever there is someone who is good and efficient in his position, the employer should invest in developing him or her. This is not limited to skills and talent development. This is more of the entire package: skills, talents, values, vision, and confidence. This is mostly done by urging or sending these employees into the academe to further their education and develop connections with other brilliant minds.
Good Communication
Good leaders are good communicators, full stop. Good communication is the bread and butter of a good leader. Communication styles still vary though, due to a bad habit, or lack of training. If an employee is lacking in communication skills, train them completely before it is too late. Nobody can get better overnight, especially in communication. This is a full experience, and a long way to go.
Individual success is never sufficient because, obviously, it is a company. Collaboration among peers is important. Employees and employers must consider themselves as peers before this collaboration factor is even possible. Leaders will rise out of collaborative works, so it is a very good system to pick the ones to develop.
Now that you have laid down the foundation: peers are communicating to perform better in collaborative works, it is time for accountability. There are times that it just won’t work. No matter how hardworking and talented the people are, there are times that they just fail. It is time for accountability. A good leader will hold himself or herself accountable for decisions that he or she actually made. He or she does not need to take the bullet for everyone, only to those that were his or her doing.
What is your next project?
My dream is to inspire more business people to lead with purpose. My next endeavour is a celebration of business in Scotland, The Scottish Business Expo 2018, which is more than just networking
Our Expo will bring together some of the best talents in the country to share their experience and knowledge with fellow entrepreneurs and enjoy a new way to network. Meet our speakers and VIPs, get to know each other in one of the most iconic settings in the world, The Queensferry Lodge Hotel, over-looking the fabulous three bridges.
Over the two days, we will host 8 inspirational entrepreneurs and we have an exhibition for business to display their products and services. With plenty of social opportunities to network, learn and share your story.