How To Help Your Staff Be More Environmentally Friendly
By making their workplaces more environmentally friendly, more and more businesses are committing to making less of an impact on the environment. This means putting in place policies and programmes that encourage people to act in green ways.
However, having these policies in place and your team adhering to them might not be the same thing. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to help your staff be more eco-friendly.
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Create A Sustainability Team
A team that focuses on sustainability can both raise awareness and get more done. The team’s projects could include starting or making a recycling programme work better and helping people decide what energy-efficient appliances and green cleaning supplies to buy. A group like this can also teach their staff by having lunch-and-learn sessions with the local water and power departments or the waste authority. There are lots of options, and putting a hand-picked sustainability team in place will show your staff that you are serious about this pledge to the environment.
Offer Training And Education
Many people don’t know how to be eco-friendly, so you should start by teaching your employees about it, and the green office practises you want to use. Everyone needs to know about your efforts to make your workplace green, from management to people who work on the front lines.
Keep your efforts to teach employees light so they don’t feel like they’re being lectured. Make them more interesting and fun by showing them a documentary about the environment, coming up with creative ways to deal with environmental problems, or giving them an environmental quiz. For those who want to take things further (perhaps those on your sustainability team, as mentioned above, you can arrange for specialist training from Colbea.
Implement A Recycling Programme
Setting up a recycling programme in your office is a common way to show that you care about the environment. From the kitchen to the office, put up clear signs at waste stations to teach your employees how to properly dispose of trash. This will help them figure out what goes in the general rubbish, what goes in the recycling bin, and what goes in the compost bin. You can also look into having old computer parts and other items that are just taking up space in your office removed safely, or perhaps donate them to a local business that supports the responsible recycling of electronics.
Conserve Energy
Saving energy and money can be accomplished simply by turning off lights and turning off electronics around the office when they are not in use. Make sure everyone in the office is aware of the company’s energy-savings goals and how they can be achieved by simple measures like turning off their computers at the end of the day and the lights in empty conference rooms.
Have Some Plants In The Office
Putting plants around the office can make it look nicer, improve the mood of the whole place, and help your employees feel less stressed and worried. Indoor plants can increase the amount of oxygen in the air and get rid of harmful pollutants like carbon dioxide and formaldehyde. In fact, research shows that indoor plants get rid of 87 percent of pollutants in the air within 24 hours .
Your team is sure to like the addition of plants, and when you explain why you have added them to the office, they’ll become more educated about sustainability.