Why Engaging With Your Consumer Audience Through Video Content Is Important As a Business Owner

Engaging with your target audience and finding a way to connect to them is important as a business owner because consumers are also going to make a purchase based on your viability and ethics. Presenting yourself to your consumer audience is most certainly useful, particularly with social media and your business website.
You Have Access to a World Wide Audience Online
It has become part of 21st century life now to scroll through your social media when you have a spare five minutes. So whether it is during your commute, waiting for a friend to arrive or whilst sitting on the sofa. It has become so ingrained in our daily lives to constantly be engrossed on our phones that you might not even realise you are doing it.
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So when the typical human is so proactively on their smartphone it would be foolish to not take advantage of this as a business owner. You know where your target audience is, so if you want them to notice or find you then you need to be visible on this platform. So in this instance it would be creating video content.
It is Easily Accessible To Users
A good way to advertise this element of your business is to utilise a corporate video production to highlight your aims and achievements through this medium. Video content is easily accessible to users particularly when they are scrolling through their social media and can easily tap on the video to begin watching.
Ideally the shorter and visually impactful the video is, the better, as this is more likely to encourage a potential consumer to click on your promotional content, than read a long page of text. Ideally you want to grab your users interest within the 30 second mark of beginning the video, as the average adults’ concentration level is significantly reduced to around 66.16% after this time frame when watching advertorial content. So the first few seconds really do need to be impactful otherwise your user is just going to switch off and not retain much of the information that is aimed towards them.
You Can Demonstrate You Are Human Behind The Brand
Consumers now tend to be a lot more conscientious and like the idea of buying into a concept as well as a brand. The ability to demonstrate you have some sort of ethics or awareness for ongoing situations in the world is important to a consumer as they like to know that the brand in which they are buying from is sustainable and has good morals. Appearing in your video content demonstrates to the consumer that you are not a faceless conglomerate and that you are a real human and backbone of the business brand you have built so hard to achieve.