The Bright Lady
Meet Sandra Deakin , the transformational leader, TV presenter and writer committed to sharing her light with the world.
Through her Radio and TV work, her books and seminars, and her personal coaching sessions, Sandra helps people to create more conscious joyful lives. She offers powerful practical tools to the people she works with, sharing her relatable experiences and words of encouragement to deliver real value and inspiration.
As Sandra sits across the table from me, I can sense her intuitive nature and confident optimism.
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“I am happy that what I do feels so meaningful and inspiring. I love to connect to people deep within their hearts; seeing them light up and become alive! I empower my clients to become the true leaders of their paths. I help them to balance and release their emotions, and create more liberating, happier thoughts. This enables them to leave their victim mentalities behind them, and to start thinking about and creating their lives with a higher level of positivity, possibility and productivity”
Sandra has a wonderful career; creating and delivering content for multiple organisations . She works freelance on a national radio show in Belgium and has been a Television presenter for fifteen years. She also works as a freelance journalist for various Radio and TV shows and written press.
She has co authored the book “Transformational lessons: how to manifest your best life”, a book created by a number of transformational leaders in Europe, where they share their powerful insights and tools to help us create the lives we deserve.
She beams as she tells me that she is currently writing a book about her own transformation process called “Bright spots” and she is also creating an online channel under the same name which will offer people a platform to access the best practical advice on topics such as mindfulness and meditation, yoga, diet choices, fashion awareness, and general lifestyle.
Sandra draws her passion and purpose from her personal experiences, and has gone through a major transformative period over the last seven years.
We discuss how this has involved her becoming more aware of herself and her experience, and how she works through her old stored emotions by using the process of feeling through them and identifying and changing her thoughts. She tells me how she listens to her body now and makes better life choices.
“I had to go through layers and layers of fears, including some unresolved issues originating from my ancestors. I had to accept where I had been so far and where I was at that moment, which was a person with low self worth; but with dedication and love, I transformed the unhelpful patterns inside of me and I continue to create the life I have always wanted”
Sandra adores the people she works with, delighting in watching them make huge transformations in their personal and professional lives.
She gives public speeches and seminars and also offers one to one coaching in Antwerp, and online through Skype, where she shares how to become more present and mindful, how to structure mind patterns, and how to resolve and move on from issues that are blocking and no longer serving us.
She works through issues such as anxiety and depression. A focus is also on relationship issues such as betrayal, and a lack of understanding and appreciation. She empowers the people she works with to align to loving and valuing themselves, by working and releasing their fears and making decisions that are more in alignment with who they really are. She achieves this by working with them closely, diving deeply into their minds, hearts and souls, to provide understanding and relief; to help them achieve psychological freedom.
She has worked closely with women on how to deal with their fears simply by being connected more to their womb. What a powerful practice!
“The people that will benefit the most are the ones that are feeling stuck in life, and who are committed and ready to make the necessary changes from within…” advising us, “they will have to do the work, I am only giving them tools and guiding them through their unique experiences and processes”
She understands there are some challenges for individuals engaging in this work. In her experience, she has noticed, also in herself, that it can be easier at times for people to complain and feel like a victim rather than take effective action, which means feeling the uncomfortable or confusing emotions in their lives, changing their thought patterns, and making real concrete changes towards what they want. She appreciates change can be scary but also notes that people usually want quick fixes to their issues, and this prevents them from finding the ways that will most positively impact their lives over the long term.
“Once you have made the changes from the inside, the outside world will adapt to your new vibration and life vision” What an exciting message.
She draws a lot of her inspiration from her husband Luc, who is a grounded, compassionate, happy man. She also particularly admires Michelle Obama as she is deeply emotionally affected by what she has to say. She loves her presence and authenticity, and she feels she is a person who loves life, and who is committed to living to her highest potential.
She relates with her in a way; she knows that it is not easy to stand as a woman next to a powerful man in society, as her husband is a leader and a charismatic person. It took her years of inner work to feel equal and stand empowered next to him.
She also constantly looks to people who are living their truth.
“Dirk Oellibrandt is one of my teachers who taught me about the wisdom of our bodies; how to be more present in our consciousness, and how to connect in a truthful way with mother earth to help her to heal us.
Another important teacher of mine is Roland Verschaeve, he taught me how to raise my energy levels by awakening my light body, and he taught me how to see the bigger picture in life”
Through her work, she aims to make the transformative process of inner healing easier for us, so as we can go on to live a happier and more fulfilled life aligned to our heart, our truth, our passion and our potential.