Taking the Lead: Understand it, Experience it, Own it…
How Carola van Berckel Developed a Life-Changing Connection with Horses
Carola van Berckel has lived and worked in five different countries around the world:
“Travelling is in my blood, I love to travel, to discover different cultures and a variety of people. Since childhood, I longed for adventure, escaping the harsh reality of everyday life. I was a dreamer, a sensitive child, and I did not comprehend the world around me and often felt misunderstood. Around the animals, I felt safe and trusted and developed a bond that went beyond most friendships.”
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That’s how she ended up in the world of horses, and because of her special ability to connect to them on a much deeper level, she can effortlessly communicate with these noble, sensitive animals.
Carola is a Horse Behaviour Expert and Equine Therapist and her work with horses has opened the door into the world for her. The dedication she has to horses is based upon building relationships of deep trust and mutual understanding.
It is through the horses that Carola discovered her ability to overcome limiting beliefs, how to deal with them and how this reflects on daily life and business, as she explained to us.
The horses taught me to clearly set my boundaries without getting upset, to be firm and loving at the same time, to communicate with leadership without pushing the other person into a frame that doesn’t fit them. To be able to recognise body language on a much deeper level and to deal with my own emotions in a healthy way.
What can you tell us about your work?
Join the Horse offers transformational and authentic leadership development programs, which unlock people’s potential and help them to achieve greater performance.
The biggest obstacles in our lives lie within ourselves; We all have to deal with our own limiting beliefs, non-helpful behaviours, fears, inadequate actions, and procrastination. All these things prevent us from getting what we really want in our life and business.
Coaching people together with my horses is the most effective experiential learning methodology currently available. The horses confront people in a safe, loving and respectful way. They form a metaphor for real life situations because they mirror our body language, emotions and intentions. Coaching with horses is the highway to fast results, in a down-to-earth way!
Coaching with horses is very impactful because it not only provides deep and profound insight, it also creates a reference experience which is anchored deep within the body and mind.
The great thing is that it produces unimaginable breakthroughs and instant change. This experience grows internal alignment and effectiveness resulting in tangible and measurable outcomes.
At Join the Horse we deliver significant, authentic, and lasting results.
Who are the people that could benefit?
I let executives and business managers experience what stepping up and taking the lead really means, I enhance the performance of teams by improving their mutual communication, building trust and becoming more customer focused, I help women overcome their insecurities and lack of identity, and I empower people so they can overcome their greatest obstacles.
What inspired you to create your business?
I am a typical late bloomer. From an early age I was very shy, insecure and felt like an outsider, I did not understand the world around me. It took a while before I found my passions, talents and gifts. I always thought that there was something wrong with me, until the horses came into my life. They have helped me to become fully aware of myself and get insights into my own behaviour.
The horses are my companions, they were my bridge to a world I didn’t comprehend.
They transformed me into the person I am today and together with them I want to touch people’s lives, helping them to overcome their challenges.
What led you to decide to start your business?
The corporate life really challenged me to give the best of myself. Wherever I worked I got noticed because of my ability to lift the atmosphere of the company with my positivity, enthusiasm and skills.
Working very hard and developing myself fast, I became aware that the majority of companies were still led in a traditional way, where people are afraid of change.
These insights inspired me to start Join the Horse, where I have the opportunity to touch, move and empower more people towards self-confidence and getting the best out of themselves.
What’s the biggest challenge you have faced so far?
Being afraid of being seen and heard has stopped me for a big part of my life. I had to take a leap of faith and step up in order to share my gift with the world; helping people overcome their challenges.
How does it work?
Horses reflect and react on people who are in their environment. This can be confrontational, but is always honest. They don’t have a hidden agenda. Horses provide instant feedback. That is why it can be very effective; when you change, you immediately see different behaviour of the horse.
During this process I am the coach, facilitator, bridge, and leader who takes people by the hand and leads them step by step while they are consciously breaking through their own boundaries.
Where do you turn for inspiration and why?
The Bible is my daily source of inspiration. It provides me with input; it challenges me, it comforts me, it builds me up and it guides me. To me it is the living word of Christ, who reflects perfect and pure love.
Who is one person you admire most and why?
Kevin E. France, the CEO of Momentum Consulting Group, the largest privately owned consulting company in the USA. He is globally recognised as a Business Growth Strategist, International Speaker, Author and Executive mentor. I met him two years ago and had the privilege of being trained, coached and mentored by him. What I admire most in Kevin is his integrity, modesty, kindness, and humility.
He is very knowledgeable, and I am proud to say that we have a deep connection that is built on respect and friendship.
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is when you can touch other people’s lives. To me it is a way of living where I can help others to improve their lives and to create an impact with who I am, and with the life lessons I have learned myself.
What is the best piece of advice you can give someone starting their own business?
Just be yourself, it seems simple and, it is!
We all have God-given talents and gifts. They will lead to your authentic way of being. They are the gateway to your calling. So just try to find the right coaches for you, who connect with you on a true level, and help you find your authentic self.
Always stay in you core. It’s there where life will flow and unfold itself.
About Carola van Berckel
Carola is considered to be an expert in the fields of Equestrian Language, Authentic Behaviour and Coaching. She has travelled all over the world, training and inspiring people in developing a better understanding anda deeper connection while bonding with the horses.
She has set up a mental healthcare institute which provides critical support in the healing process for young women as they recover and overcome life’s challenges. The horses have a reflecting and important role in the healing process.
As a life strategist she coaches and trains people in Authentic Leadership, Performance, Intentional Living and Empowerment. She provides unique down-to-earth experiences, where people really connect with their inner wisdom and power.
Carola has extensive experience in helping companies getting their front-office processes into place, by leading, coaching and activating people in the field of customer-oriented behaviour and performance.
Drawing on 30 years of corporate experience in working for multinationals, the pharmaceutical industry and governmental organizations, she oversees the impact of performance improvement.
As a born-again Christian she wants to inspire and empower women to break their chains and step into their greatness.