
What leadership isn’t

two spring notebooks beside ballpoint pen

“Leadership is creating the space to bring forth the greatness in others, for others to be their best. It is tapping into unlimited human potential and turning the potential of others into desired results. Leadership creates a culture that enables people to release their creativity, vision and intelligence” Dr Neslyn Watson-Druée

Certified High Performance Coach, Beacon Organisational Development

Who’s up for what?

‘A knowledgeable person will learn from their mistakes, a wise person will learn from the mistakes of others and a foolish person will continue to repeat their mistakes.’ Martin Sharp

What does it take to be a Powerful Business Woman in China?

‘Trust the young people; trust this generation's innovation. They're making things, changing innovation every day. And all the consumers are the same: they want new things, they want cheap things, they want good things, they want unique things. If we can create these kind of things for consumers, they will come.’- Jack Ma

Woman’s Power Redefined

‘You are never alone. It is very important that women support each other. Connect, stay in touch, help, listen, be kind, share your success story, ask for help if you experience difficulties. You can achieve your big dream as long as you have the courage to put your name on it!’- Ivana de Haan, the Netherlands

‘You are never alone. It is very important that women support each other. Connect, stay in touch, help, listen, be kind, share your success story, ask for help if you experience difficulties. You can achieve your big dream as long as you have the courage to put your name on it!’- Ivana de Haan, the Netherlands