How do you position yourself to make a fortune in 2020
The factors indicating recession are here already: tensions in the Middle east, Brexit uncertainty, volatile economic performance in Europe, trade war between US and China, just to mention a few.
Geopolitical tension aside, is Europe’s positive monetary policy and fiscal stimulus going to pick up again, at some point, maybe as soon as 2021 ? Top CEO’s think there is no recession coming our way in 2020 but their optimism is like mermaid; you love it or hate it.
Are recession’s signs indicating just a slowdown before future economic growth? The economic winter is here regardless experts’ opinion, and we can bank on what we learned from the boom and gloom of the last recession, a decade ago.
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If you run your own business, here are some navigating tips for you to make 2020 your best year ever!
Focus on what you want
For reasons that nobody really understands, it is very easy to divert your focus from what you want to what you don’t want to happen and mislead your goals into difficulty or stagnation. To avoid this entrapment, is a good practice to start with the end in mind, leaving no room for confusion. Be clear on the outcome of your business goal. Want to upscale your business? Create a team to work in the business so you can start working on the business.
Think : Solution! Solution! Solution!
True entrepreneurs are positive and creative human beings as they develop solutions for their own challenges to start with. Tested, a solution becomes a trademark. This is why transferring those solutions on to others who are facing similar problems, is the solution to their own success. Most important thing to remember is to put your name on it! This is what Edison did (even there were other people who made the same discovery at the same time!)
Position yourself on an authentic path, dare to be different
Maintaining a positive mental attitude is crucial to your business. While positioning yourself with your values, believes and actions, don’t leave your emotions outside, be authentic, dare to be different and think about the future as a better world for all. Most successful business people created a community to support their vision and deliver their unique solution.
Expect the best, your Glass is half full
If you travel back through those times when doubt crippled your life and kept you from achieving your goals, you will notice that self- limiting beliefs are the cause of your struggles. Worrying is a bad habit that could be easily replaced with a simple question: What is the worst that could happen? The answer is always giving you a fresh slate, and this is your chance to re- position your trajectory and act, moving into a new direction. This practice will help you see that your glass is always half full and enable you to create a new, healthier habit: expect the best possible outcome.
Keep your own council
Everything happens twice, first in your mind and then in reality. So, you have this BIG IDEA! Gosh, is so big and unexpected! This is like a gift from the Greek Gods! What do you do now? Asking other people what they think about your idea is a very risky move. Unless the people you know are in the league of big ideas, it is a waste of time to ask for their advice. Could they help you if they never done it themselves? besides, an idea would never reach you unless you already have everything you need to make it happen. Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
Don’t let others tell you who you are- you tell them
When you wish for something, be careful what you wish for. Life is not known for being ‘fair’ but for the fact that there is a price to pay for the fair. Each day is a blank canvas and is filled with infinite outcomes. The colours you chose to paint your day, the decisions you make, and mostly, the decisions you don’t make, will determine the outcome . Whatever happens, be grateful for today. Have a smile available when you meet new people, including yourself. Allow no one to tell you who you are. You tell them!