Conversations with a woman like me…..

My message to our readers is that it's not important how we start, but how we finish the race, and no matter the slowness of the pace, we must carry on….so much is expected of us, as women, in our roles as daughters, mothers, wives and, at times, it can be a tough balancing act, but learning from stories of conquering of other women we can draw strength from the experiences of others, and fulfil our mandates, as well as maintain our sanity.  Nobody said it would be easy!!

interview with Edith Maziofa-Tapfuma

With a background education in Psychology, Demography and Public Health Management, and currently working in the development sector Edith’s focus goes on two major area of interest: Wellness, Gender, and Sexual Reproductive Health.  Edith is particularly passionate to contribute towards a world where women and girls actively participate to create a better life. Edith’s dream is to see social change in women’s socio-economic, political and cultural rights.

You are a woman with exceptional skills and talents, and now you become an author. What brought you where you are today?

‘When I got the offer to collaborate in the book project and heard the title ‘Tales of Womanhood’, I said to myself  ‘WOW!’ I know that each and every woman, no matter their station in life, have a story to tell, a story so intriguing that if shared can impact positively on the next woman.  I know people tend to focus on the exterior woman, the strong women, who we mostly display, but deep down, we’ve all had our fair share of struggles, fear, defeating moments, as well as defining moments, which result in the total woman you become.  I saw an opportunity to share nuggets of my personal journey, the glossy and the not so glossy because all these experiences have contributed to who I am today and what I stand for.

Your story, ‘Conversations with a women like me’, is your true story, which you share with total strangers. How that makes you feel?

‘Conversations with a women like me’ is my way to talk about my fears, struggles, and my journey, it breaks me, reminds me of my vulnerabilities, reminds me that I am not perfect, I am also a product of my experiences and that sometimes there are things beyond my control and always will be but there is always a choice and we can move on, even after we’ve been broken, we don’t remain ‘broken- clay- pots’ forever…we rebuild from the ashes.

I hope that part of my story can impact positively on other women, especially the younger generation….so you’ve made a mess of your life? Get up, shake off the dust and move on, that’s what counts- how you get up from a fall and, move on!!

My message to our readers is that it’s not important how we start, but how we finish the race, and no matter the slowness of the pace, we must carry on…so much is expected of us, as women, in our roles as daughters, mothers, wives and, at times, it can be a tough balancing act, but learning from stories of conquering of other women we can draw strength from the experiences of others, and fulfil our mandates, as well as maintain our sanity.  Nobody said it would be easy!!’

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