The Doctors paradox: Well-being

’ Doctors are one of the highest risk professional groups for stress. The failing mental health of our medical profession is a significant public health problem and a worldwide epidemic. At least 1 in 4 doctors experience a mental health concern during their careers. The doctor paradox refers to medics who are able to provide care for others, however fail to access or even seek the care they need for themselves when they're unwell.’ Abeyna Jones

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. Hubert H. Humphrey

Medic Footprints is a group of passionate doctors on a mission to protect the mental health and well-being of doctors across the globe.
Abeyna Jones, The Founder, is an occupational Health Physician and her vision is the solution to a worldwide epidemic, that have the potential to influence healthcare professionals’ performance worldwide and turn around the table, not only for each one of us but and for generations to come.
’ Doctors are one of the highest risk professional groups for stress. The failing mental health of our medical profession is a significant public health problem and a worldwide epidemic. At least 1 in 4 doctors experience a mental health concern during their careers. The doctor paradox refers to medics who are able to provide care for others, however fail to access or even seek the care they need for themselves when they’re unwell.’ Abeyna says.

Official records show that this problem impacts millions of doctors and healthcare professionals worldwide. In response to this silent epidemic, Medic Footprints is building the world’s first digital platform for doctors. Like any big dream, there are challenges along the way and delivering a solution at a global scale, is a tall order.

We’re had the chance to get a behind the scenes look at campaign when the crowdfunding campaign went live yesterday at 6 pm. Now the team at Medic Footprints have only 30 days to raise £40,000- a all or nothing campaign.
’We want doctors to feel happy and supported in what they do. In doing so, we ensure better healthcare for everyone! Despite all our incredible efforts so far, we have realised we can’t do this alone. The mental health of our medical profession is failing – and is a worldwide epidemic. At least 1 in 4 doctors experience a mental health concern during their careers, and they are at increased risk of stress compared to the average worker

Thousands of doctors are leaving the profession every year – many of whom are suffering from mental health problems relating to significant stressors in the workplace. As victims of the doctor paradox, many of whom are unable to identify safe and non-judgemental spaces to receive help and/or many fail to identify that a problem even exists.

Wellbeing is at the core of what we do at Medic Footprints, as an essential component of the alternative careers journey. Most doctors who are seeking change will fail to do so successfully if they are experiencing significant (mental) health issues – and in reality, most in career turmoil are, without even realising it.’ Abeyna says and I could see in her beautiful eyes a better world taking shape.

To support Abeyna’s vision please place your pledge here

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