Money20/20 Coverage Invitation
Official media partner
Welcome to Sovereign Magazine’s coverage of Money20/20!
As media partners of Money20/20, we’re thrilled to extend the opportunity to be featured in Sovereign Magazine to exhibiting and sponsoring companies. Our ongoing coverage of the event aims to showcase the stories and achievements of innovative leaders in the finance and technology industry.
If you’re interested in being featured, please complete our short application form. We’re looking for dynamic individuals and businesses who have achieved significant milestones and are willing to share their insights and experiences with our global audience.
As part of our coverage, we will be publishing interviews, articles, and guest posts that highlight your unique journey, your passions and hobbies, and the message you’d like to share with our audience. This is a great opportunity to elevate your profile, gain exposure and inspire others with your success.
To apply for this exciting opportunity, simply complete our short application form. We can’t wait to hear from you!